An Introduction to the Book Discourse and Discourse Analysis

Document Type : Critical Book Review


Maitre assiatant, University of Tabriz


The linguistic book of discourse and discourse analysis for the first time ornamented in Armand Colin publishing house of Paris in 2014. In this book, Dominique Maingueneau focuses on the fundamental issue of discourse and discourse formation and special attention had for examining the basic concepts such as word queries, the elements of discourse analysis, level of speech, kind of speech, and the world of speech. What pays the reader's attention most of all is that the author beyond the scope of discourse analysis for challenging issue of (language and sense) and considering all cognitive – cultural- social dimensions and context of speech.


Dominique Maingueneau (2014). Discours et analyse du discours.Paris, Armand Colin.
Dominique Maingueneau (2014). Discours et analyse du discours.Paris, Armand Colin.
Dominique Maingueneau (2014). Discours et analyse du discours.Paris, Armand Colin.
Dominique Maingueneau (2014). Discours et analyse du discours.Paris, Armand Colin.