What is Questioning? A Way to Michel Meyer’s “Problematology”

Document Type : Critical Article


Assistant Professor of French Language and Literature Department, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


“History of philosophy is the history of suppression of the question.” This is the paradox that Michel Meyer denounces in the book What Is Questionig?, like so many others of his works. If questioning lies in the nature of philosophy, then according to which mental processes and epistemological difficulties the best philosophers of the history have built their philosophical structures on the suppression of the question? Meyer’s new book, What Is Qustioning, aims at this critical question, in particular, the intellectual foundations of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, and Heidegger. Its aim is to measure a kind of philosophical deviation or a kind of “problematological” disorder that throws out the fundamental question (question from the question itself) of the philosophical thinking process, for the benefit of a presumption, a proposition, or an “apodictical” principle.


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