Review of the Book Farewell to Literature

Document Type : Critical Book Review


Assistant Professor of French Language and Literature Department, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


William Marx in an inquiry about the literature, called Farewell to Literature discusses the lack of credibility and death of literary and literary research in contemporary times. To show his correct judgment and passing the era of farewell to literature to the era of literature of farewell, he divided the literature history after eighteen century into three eras. Then he is trying to look for the effect of death of literature and breaking the links between literature, reality and society in literature. He believes that the origin of literature devaluation should be looked in the emergence and discussion about notions such as the sublime, language transitivity and language intransitivity and finally confinement in form. This paper is an effort to identify and analyze the historical study of Marx view to what he calls as “Literature”.


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