Oh la la! These French people!

Document Type : Critical Article


Assistant professor, University of Tehran Faculty of World studies, Department of European studies, French studies


Knowing the image created by others from their culture allows the people of a country to look at themselves. The book Oh la la! These French people! Written by Marie Treps, a French linguist, has been written about the image of the French people among the people of various nations. The book simultaneously looks at the negative point of views of the world's people about French behavior and culture and its positive aspects. The author refers to French words that have come into many European languages ​​and show the aspects of French culture in terms of stereotypes. The main drawback of this effect is not to refer to the people of the regions of the "South" and "East" of the world in relation to France, which goes back to the former French colonies and the writer has suffered from Europe and North America.


Bozo, Frédéric (2012), Politique étrangère de la France depuis 1945, Flammarion, Paris.
Depecker, Loïc (2013), Petit dictionnaire insolite des mots de la francophonie, Larousse, Paris.
Hellot-Bellier, Florence (2008), France-Iran : Quatre cents ans de dialogue, Studia Iranica, Paris.
Treps, Marie (2003), Les Mots voyageurs. Petite histoire du français venu d'ailleurs, Seuil, Paris.
Treps, Marie (2015), Oh là là ces Français ! Du pire au meilleur, comment le monde parle de nous, Vuibert, Paris.