A Qualitative Analysis of Vision 1 Teacher’s Guidebook

Document Type : Critical Article


1 PhD student in Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 MA Graduate in TEFL, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to evaluate Vision Teacher's Guidebook. 14 English teachers attended a semi-structured interview formed on the basis of Cunningsworth’s 1995 framework. For the accuracy of the quality and reliability of the interview data, member checking strategy (Flick, 2014) was used. Qualitative content analysis of the interview data showed that the teacher’s guidebook is worth critiquing from five angles including lack of comprehensiveness and flexibility, not promoting intercultural competence and critical thinking in the teacher, presenting a prescriptive and uniform approach to the teaching process, inability to predict learning problems and the provision of appropriate guidance to overcome these problems, and not creating positive motivation in the teacher. Furthermore, teachers labelled "repackaged version" for Vision series. It is concluded that the Organization for Research and Educational Planning and the Ministry of Education should adopt practical measures to improve the above-mentioned problems in coming editions of Vision series.
