A Sociolinguistic Study of “Jargon and Slang” (Russian Language Case Study)

Document Type : Critical Article


1 Russian Language and Literature Department- Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages- Allameh Tabataba'i University- Tehran-Iran

2 M.Sc in social affairs planning, social sciences faculty, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The social changes of today's society have led to the emergence of some linguistic phenomena, such as Jargon, which is more commonly used among younger generation and downstream of the community. A language that has converted into a mode of speech aimed to differentiate itself from others, used to protect the secrets of its profession or group from other classes. But the Jargons, as an emerging phenomenon have attracted the attention, also prompted the concerns of linguists and sociologists due to the lack of understanding of the words of the younger generation. The method of study is a library methodology, in which researchers attempt to discuss complex aspects of this linguistic diversity by describing the phenomenon of Jargon and also studying its differences with slang, and especially the Russian language. It is assumed that the jargon has its own language system, which undergoes transformation, and is a dynamic and evolving category. Jargon and slang are two distinct language variations with different functions that become obsolete and are rebuilt over time.
